
Academician wu he quan internet of things can also contribute to a low carbon economy

Academician wu he quan internet of things can also contribute to a low carbon economy

Hangzhou Science Association should be invited by the Chinese Academy of Engineering,MBT Tunisha Schuhe, two vice presidents,Mbt Moto Stiefel, Du Xiangwan Academy of Sciences and academician Wu He Quan, Hangzhou yesterday to participate in "low-carbon, Hangzhou, China Science and Technology Museum" Expert Accreditation Council, taking advantage of the morning free,Mbt Sandalen Ema, no tour of West Lake, and taking the time to journalists and scientists in Hangzhou, spoke about low-carbon thing.

As an advisory board member, Du Xiangwan academicians participated in last year's summit in Copenhagen, developed and developing countries, "bundling" and "anti-bundling" of the war,Mbt Schuhe Kesho, vividly remembered.ed.

"Copenhagen is a comma,Mbt Schuhe Wingu, China needed to train their internal organs is essential." Duyuan Shi said, for ordinary people, the low-carbon life is not difficult, the key is Energy .

"Our annual electricity consumption for lighting is about 300 billion degrees,Mbt Schuhe Sifa, with energy-saving light bulbs could save 100 billion kWh of electricity." Duyuan Shi said that the year Three Gorges power station generating capacity of about 800 million degrees, but simply another light bulb , save the power equivalent to built a new Three Gorges Power Station.

The urbanization process, the new high-rise buildings going up into pieces, Du Yuanshi that control energy use of energy-saving facilities are the key points. Duyuan Shi said that the construction of the Tsinghua School 100 years ago, the annual energy consumption is 34 kWh; and now a university building, the annual energy consumption is 364 kWh, an increase of more than 10 times. "So, the more modern buildings,MBT Kisumu 2 Sandale, the more use of solar and other energy-saving measures Building energy efficiency The potential is huge. "

Duyuan Shi said that China is a populous country, each person add a little more than waste, consumption is greatly rose up; "Therefore, we should advocate moderate material consumption and rich spiritual pursuit, and resist the negative atmosphere of luxury, the per car, per capita emissions, such as control of building energy consumption per unit area below the international average. "

Today, Internet of things are more and more people are concerned. Academician Wu Ho-chuen said the Internet of things can also contribute to a low carbon economy.

"Internet of Things smart grid is one of the important applications." Academician Wu said, China Home Appliances Network Information Center has established the national grid, is studying the application of Internet of Things Technology Transformation of power, through the wires to install sensors and other measures to prevent freezing, snow and other natural disasters of the electricity grid. The smart grid of the most important function is to save energy, improve network utilization.

Academician Wu proposed to solar energy, for example, if some farmers in the western region solar home appliances, household electricity supply, while the remaining power through the power output to other areas, we can "to the homes of peasants into power stations "not only saves energy but also to promote the rich west.

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