
Chimpanzee Facts

Chimpanzee Facts

Not very long ago a chimpanzee, a prominent pop star and a mayor settled for a cup of tea together. Does this seem fictitious already? Well believe it! "Bubbles" was a pet adopted by none other than the legendary pop star, Michael Jackson who had taken this chimpanzee along with him for his music tour in Japan where both of them happened to have a cup of tea with the mayor of Osaka. This chimpanzee was also known to engage himself in doing odd jobs like cleaning and tidying at the star's famous ranch.

The nature and actions of chimpanzees have an uncanny similarity with human behavior. Much has been talked about them, their evolution and existence on earth. In fact, now it has been scientifically proven that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans. They should not be confused with the monkeys and gorillas.

Chimp Chronicles

?/div> Family

Chimpanzees are not "monkeys" as stated earlier. They belong to the family of apes along with gorillas, bonobos and orangutans. Though all these animals belong to the same family, chimpanzees are genetically closer to humans than any other animal.

?/div> DNA

Chimpanzees and humans share a DNA similarity of about 98.4% leaving only a difference of approximately 1.6%.

?/div> Physical Features

Chimpanzees are found mainly in the tropical forests of Africa. These animals have a stocky structure with long protruding arms and a petite body. Long, black hair is a prominent feature,chaussures christian louboutin, which covers their entire body except the face,scarpe hogan, ears, fingers and toes. They share a similar feature of opposable thumbs as humans and their sturdy hands are well-equipped to clasp objects firmly and throw them instinctively as a defense mechanism.

?/div> Lifespan

Their lifespan is approximately fifty years and they primarily are wild animals, but in captivity these animals can live up to sixty years. A baby chimpanzee lives with its mother for approximately five to ten years after birth.

?/div> Diet

They are omnivorous and their principal diet includes leaves,mbt zum Verkauf, buds and flowers of various plants. Sometimes they eat very selectively consuming only the ripest fruit, which they pick with their hands. Their diet also includes berries and seeds.

?/div> Sources of Danger

They face the greatest threat from human beings and leopards. They are also prone to diseases, which also afflict human beings. They are also being used for biomedical testing and entertainment,mbt schuhe günstig, which are taking a toll on their lives.

?/div> Modus Operandi

Chimpanzees spend as much time on land as they do on trees though, most of their eating and sleeping is done on trees. They begin their activities at dawn as they descend from their night nest and what follows is a mischievous mayhem throughout the day especially among the younger chimpanzees. They are more active during the moonlit nights.

?/div> Communication

Chimps are known to have devised tools out of stones,chaussures christian louboutin, twigs and other such objects in their natural habitat for fishing and survival tactics in the wild. The fact that they can craft tools and use them in their daily lives is astonishing.

?/div> Sentient Side

They kiss,Christian Louboutin, hug and exude emotions like human beings. Public display of affections is a lifestyle for these lively creatures. Anxious chimpanzees pucker their lips and when threatened bare their teeth, snarling furiously. When chimps are tight-lipped and glare with their eyes, this indicates a sign of attack.
Approximately fifty years ago, there were somewhere around a million chimpanzees in these forests; but,hogan vendita, now they are gradually moving towards extinction with about 150,hogan,000 to 175,000 left in the wildernesses. The existence is threatened by the decrease in the forests and the increase in the "bush meat" trade. People and global organizations like the WWF are working consistently and are spreading an awareness about these endangered mammals and what can be done to secure their race on earth.

Last Updated: 5/23/2012

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Pros And Cons Of E-commerce Plug-ins

Pros And Cons Of E-commerce Plug-ins

If you start reading up on the different features available for e-commerce websites,christian louboutin soldes, you might find that there are a lot more things you could be doing to draw customers to your website. Most e-commerce software packages are able to integrate with third-party plug-ins. These plug-ins can help you to optimize your website and interact more with your customers. At the same time,scarpe hogan, the more systems you are running on your website,mbt schuhe, the more admin there is to keep everything working properly. Let take some time to look at a few of the leading e-commerce plug-ins as well as the pros and cons of using them.
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The Importance Of Trade According To Quran!

The Importance Of Trade According To Quran,hogan!

Quran has rules and regulations for all matters of life. It has rules for personal life, social life, business and hence, everything. The common debate these days is Islam or Shariah in business. Many people say thatusiness is business and nothing emotional? This quote does not imply to the Islamic world. Emotions have deep impact on different sects of life. You cannot keep emotions aside from you and then carry out your businesses.
Every business demands strong efforts,christian louboutin soldes, sincerity,mbt schuhe, and persistency to be successful. Therefore, you cannot keep aside the attributes of the personality of a businessperson away from his business. Therefore, the Quran-ic attitude towards business should be headed by the exposition of its attitude towards Amal in common. Business, economics, trade all have been discussed in Quran.
Importance of Trade and Business:
Trade is important for the survival of human beings and at the same time for the circulation of money,christian louboutin france, necessities. Its importance is evident from Quran special consideration towards it.

Quran has discussed this in detail. There are several places in Quran that deal with trade and there are number of terminologies that have been used in Quran for this. The commercial terms, from twenty different classifications have been used in Quran about three hundred seventy times. Quran has permitted to carry out different businesses. There are many defined practices that Quran approves in businesses and that it does not approve in businesses. A legislative process has been described and discussed in Quran,christian louboutin soldes, which shows the importance of trade or business in Quran.
Businesses or trade during Hajj:
Pilgrimage or Hajj is an important pillar of Islam. Quran has explicitly permitted the business practices even during the Hajj or pilgrimages. Though Hajj is a spiritual journey on which you have to be fully devoted towards your creator, yet your creator gave you an opportunity to benefit from it through all means.
Unfair Dealing in Business:
Quran has repeatedly condemned and prohibited the unfair means of businesses. Allah has commanded you to be fair in your dealings. Unfair dealings in business have been fiercely attacked than any other form of sin,hogan vendita, in Quran. The fairness and justice in business is attributed to Allah,scarpe hogan, the almighty. It has been attributed frequently and thus, the importance of it can be weighed from this fact as well. Allah has commanded you to do justice with your customers in weights and measures and that the dealings of Allah with man are complete justice.

Appreciation and encouragement of justice:
Quran has encouraged justice amongst the traders and their customers. Quran has great applause for just and honest business person.
Trade has a special importance in Islam. Our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a trader. He used to look after the trade or business of his dearest and first wife Hazrat Khadija. It was his honesty and loyalty that Hazrat Khadija approached him to look after her trade. The same honesty, loyalty he showed in his trade as well.
Author Bio:
If you want to read more Articles regarding to Islam and Quran,christian louboutin soldes, you can find all here: Reading is an online Islamic School which offers Quran teaching services online. The school also teaches Quran Recitation and Quran Reading with translation. Learn All about Islam and Quran Online Islamic Articles by visiting our .
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Tundra Plants

Tundra Plants

Before I elaborate on Tundra plants, let me discuss more about this Tundra. A biome that thrives in a cold weather, which facilitates the growth of low growing plants and shrubs, is known as Tundra. So you might have very well guessed where this environment is found across the world. The Arctic! Yes, that is one of the kind. And then there are Antarctic Tundras (Antarctic region) and Alpine Tundras (found in high mountain areas) too. One common characteristic amongst all these Tundra types is a layer of permanently frozen subsoil (permafrost), which cannot support plant growth much. On the contrary, the flora and fauna of Tundra consists mainly of lichen, mosses and low lying grasses. Occasionally stunted trees and shrubs also grow here.

Arctic Tundra Plants
The Arctic Tundra is located around the North Pole and stretches further towards the coniferous forests of the Taiga biome. The average temperature is about -34 degrees C, with summers being slightly less negative, about 3-12 degree C. The permafrost, which is a permanently frozen subsoil comprises gravel and fine material. Growing season is only 50-60 days a year. However, plants cannot sustain with a deep root system in such an extremely climatic conditions. So the source of water for the vegetation to sustain is made available,hogan vendita, when the water saturates in the upper surfaces forming bogs and ponds. Also, these plants exhibit good resistance to cold weather. Surprisingly, the snow coating protects these plants from the persistent cold winds of Tundra. These plants photosynthesize at low temperatures, depending on the low intensity of light. The reproduction of plants in the Arctic region is mostly by budding and division and not by flowering.

A good example of a dwarf Tundra plant is the Arctic Willow, which thrives close to the ground by developing shallow roots. It is also known as the tongue plant. These plants are also known as cushion plants, attributing to their growth in low tight clumps, that resemble a cushion. Their formation explains the trapping of warm air within them, to protect them from cold air. One example of this cushion plant is Purple saxifrage. It is conspicuous with its purplish star shaped flowers that bloom during the melting of snow. The stem of this plant is covered with tiny leaves which are equipped with tiny hair that capture heat for the plant.

Then there are mosses and lichens which thrive in abundance in the Arctic Tundra. Lichen is a plant which is a combination of algae and fungi. These plants are diversified and are found as a flaky crust growing on tree trunks and rocks. Some even look like bushy plants erupting from tree trunks, while some hang from the trees. One good example of the Arctic lichen is the Reindeer Lichen. These lichens can grow without soil too. They grow on rocks and are also a source of food for various Tundra animals like the caribou. A few mammals also use this plant to line their burrows and nests. On the other hand, mosses are flowerless plants that are equipped with small rhizoids (thread like roots), to absorb moisture. They grow in any region which has enough moisture and less soil. They too can grow on rocks.

There are about 1700 varieties of plants that thrive in the Arctic Tundra, of which some varieties are listed below:
Low shrubs
Low lying grasses
Mosses (Reindeer mosses)
Crustose and Foliose lichen
Arctic poppies, birches and dryads Due to the minimal vegetation that the Tundra region offer, this environment is a home to herbivores (lemmings, voles, caribou, arctic hares and squirrels), carnivores (arctic foxes, wolves, and polar bears), migratory birds (ravens, snow buntings, falcons, loons, sandpipers, terns, snow birds, and sea gulls), insects (mosquitoes,Christian Louboutin, flies, moths, grasshoppers, blackflies and arctic bumble bees) and fish (cod, flatfish, salmon, and trout).

Low Lying Grass
Tundra Pond Water Lily
Dryads Fungi
Low Shrubs

Alpine Tundra Plants
Alpine Tundra is found across any latitude of earth,mbt zum Verkauf, with a very high elevation. But it is not a uniform zone that can sustain too many plants. This is because, the level of elevations in this Tundra decide the vegetation in this biome. The major micro habitat that thrives in Alpine Tundra are Meadows, snowbeads, talus fields, and fellfields. Alpine biomes are found at a height of about 10000 feet or more. These Tundra regions are not so cold like the Arctic Tundra. In summers (June - September),mbt schuhe, the average temperature is about 10-15 degree C. In winters (October - May), however the temperature drops below freezing.

There are about 200 species of Alpine plants that thrive in this Tundra region. Most plants that grow here are small perennial ground cover plants which grow with sparsely available carbon dioxide. The reproduction cycles are very slow, because of the cold and the wind. Also,chaussures christian louboutin, when plants die, due to the extreme cold,mbt schuhe, the decomposition is slow,billige MBT Schuhe, which thereby results in poor soil formation. The Tundra vegetation comprises dwarf shrubs and myriad flowers (only during the blooming season: July - August). Due to the short growing period, alpine plants prepare themselves by maturing the buds in late fall or late winters or early spring. Mosses and lichens dominate this region too. This variety of plants can be found profoundly in Colorado and in Rocky Mountain National Park.

The main difference between the Arctic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra is that the latter has a well drained soil. Also one interesting feature of Alpine Tundra is light with a high UV wavelength, which is a great risk to animal life here. This region is more inhabited by warm blooded animals, which hibernate in cold and warm their bodies by drawing the insulation from fats stored. Animal life includes mammals (pikas, marmots, mountain goats, sheep, elk), birds (grouse like) and insects (springtails, beetles,hogan, grasshoppers, butterflies). Vegetation that grows here mostly comprises tussock grasses, dwarf trees, small-leafed shrubs, and heaths.

Tundra Plant Facts
Now here are some interesting and cool Tundra biome facts. Enjoy!
Tundra is the coldest of all biomes of the world.
The word Tundra is derived from Finnish word - tunturi, which means treeless plain.
This species of plants grow in extremely low temperatures, with sparse nutrients and in frost molded landscapes.
Nutrition is derived from dead organic matter. Nitrogen is yielded by biological fixation and phosphorus is obtained by the little precipitation.
Plants in this region survive even in poorly drained soil, due to limited drainage in this biome.
Biodiversity of these plants is very low.
Vegetation structure is not complex like that of other forms of vegetation.
Permafrost does not thaw.
Tundra biome is a fragile ecosystem, susceptible to global warming, pollution and oil rigging activities Tundra is definitely not an apt environment for plants to thrive in. With a lot of constraint pertaining to environment, growth and vegetation, they still entice people with their blooming flowers with splendid colors!! Related articles: